Our logo
The logo, which represents a small jewel, is inserted on every single item with a special brass medallion to guarantee quality control.
It is also visible on the fabric that covers all the bottoms of the chairs and on the soft velvet that supports the extensions of the tables.
The constant care in finishing the products is also demonstrated by these details which, seen as a whole, offer added value and meaning to each collection.

Our catalogue
The catalogue, which contains 260 pages, underlines the versatility of our furnishings, integrating the products into places with different atmospheres.
The samples, made up of over 160 fabrics, leathers and more than 60 different materials such as wood, paint, glass and metals, are divided into 3 categories to facilitate the choice: Fashion, Dynamic and Fibre.
This vast range allows us to invent and obtain original products, created between design and fashion, between trendy and vintage styles, between a contemporary look and classic prestige features: authentic suggestions that reflect Italian style and taste.

Our packaging
The sturdy cardboard packaging, suitable for long-distance shipments, bears accurate, simple and original printing that makes each batch a unique and personal moment.